Ladies & Gentlemen, Dudes & Dudettes welcome to The Burning Truth Blog (Matt Burns Week), as always it seems like I have had another busy week once again, be it more TBT Interviews being done, prepared, and released. We also hope you are enjoying them as well 😊
Well aside from building more content for The Burning Truth, what have I been up to this week, well for starters I was able to watch Zack Snyder's Justice League the day it released in the UK which was last Thursday (18/03/2021). My thoughts on the film are that it very much lived up to the hype and brought some much storytelling that it had my inner geek jumping for joy so much, while also with it being close to 4 hours long but I got so into it, it flew by I was that entertained. That will be all I will be saying about it for now as I don't want to spoil anything for anyone who hasn't seen it yet.
This week I made sure to check out the debut episode of Falcon and The Winter Soldier which I get the feeling that this is going to be another epic tv series by Marvel, just like how they did WanderVision by having us always wanting to come back for more. Once again though I won't be saying any spoilers at all, I will just say that any TV Shows/Series done by Marvel have been very much on point and knocking it out of the park. Yet they still have more to arrive still with Loki and the "What If...?" series still on the way. Also don't forget the upcoming marvel movies as well, which I am sure will be entertaining as well.
I have also been making sure to keep up my exercise routine of a 45 min Cardio (Copying Dance Routines from YouTube and other sources) Training each day, which I will say I am still very much enjoying and has been helping with keeping P.M.A (Positive Mental Attitude) going strong and well.
I will be giving out the usual shout-out to make sure to check out the Alice, Alice, who the quiz is Alice? weekly quiz because it's always loads of fun, entertaining and interesting questions that could provide you with some interesting facts at the same time. Additionally, I am going to be providing another shoutout to Kiera Beeston for the Family Guy image that she made as part of a commission by Irvine's Number 1 Fan Girl (seen below) for Irvine's Birthday and that she is an amazing artist that we recommend to check out (You won't be disappointed)

Thank you kindly for checking out this week's blog. I always hope that you have enjoyed reading it as much as I have when typing it all out. I would like to remind you all to don't forget to tune in on the latest episode of The Burning Truth Live, which will be live at its usual scheduled time at 6 pm (UK Standard Time), which can be heard from this website.
With that being said I hope that you all stay well and stay safe.
Be excellent to each other.
It has been emotional, chat with you again soon.
