Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls Merry Christmas and Happy New year.
It's been a trying, testing, and difficult year for us all. Not in my lifetime did I ever think it would have turned out like this, so many people affected by a horrible, evil, unforgiving pandemic like this. I've seen people lose their lives, lose their jobs and lively hoods but will it defeat us? No, it won't because as humans we are strong, we are survivors & we are united.
Currently, for myself, it is boxing day night and I am currently in the company of my wonderful daughter trying to reflect on 2020 as a whole and I feel privileged to only have mildly suffered due to the pandemic.
So a message to all our fans and friends, thank you for sticking with us this year and welcoming myself to the burning truth. I hope Christmas has bought you the love you all deserve ❤ I will be toasting to you all at 10 pm tonight as a mark of my love and respect to you all at the end of 2020.
Much love from myself, Matt Burns, and JB
Stay safe, stay happy and stay true, as you're what makes this world a better place ❤
