So, that's that, then. The bin fire that was 2020 is in the rearview mirror. We are now officially in 2021, and so with that in mind, I wanted to use my time here on The Burning Truth Blog to advise caution.
We have at least here in the UK been, in a bit of a spin as of late. Things keep happening, and circumstances beyond our control keep making each passing year a little bit more crazy, surreal, and frightening. This has lead us, each and every New Year's Day since about 2015, to say 'Well thank goodness that year's over. This one can't possibly be as bad, can it?'... and then brace ourselves as the year unfolds and we are proved spectacularly wrong. (Not quite as spectacularly wrong as my usual PPV predictions, but then science keeps telling me it's physically impossible to be *that* wrong, and yet each month...)
But I digress. The point is, we're being ground down, and having that optimism gradually beaten out of us with all the constant negativity. It's now got so bad that as we contemplate entering into another new year, and in light of what's happened in the past twelve months, we are probably now thinking 'Shit. how much worse can it get?' and so we've gone full 180. From being relentlessly optimistic, down to just cautiously optimistic, and further on down to looking through our hands with gritted teeth as we mutter 'Now what?' and it can't go on like this.
I think the point I'm trying to make here is this: for 2021, let's try and be somewhere in the middle ground. Overwhelming positivity only leads to crushing disappointment, and overwhelming negativity of 'How much worse can it get?' simply leads karma to say 'hold my beer'. So let's enter this new year cautiously optimistic, and try and be the change we'd like to see. No more 'This year will be better' overoptimism or 'this year will be a shitshow in a whole new way' negativity; let's just start '21 with the collective mental attitude of doing the best we can. Because if we are all the best version of ourselves, then maybe the next twelve months will have to turn the tide and be better in spite of itself?
All I'm saying is it's worth a go. A bit of positive mental attitude goes a long way.
Happy New Year from all of us at TBT, and don't forget there's no new show this week, but we'll be back from 6 pm UK time on Sunday the 10th of January with the TBT Awards. Catch you then.
